Monday's can be tough, as we all know. Those two-day weekends after all seem to be getting shorter and shorter, and in some cases find us all as busy or even busier than we are on Monday through Friday.
We feel your pain. Therefore, in honor of Manic Monday, we decided to troll the web and bring you some lighter (although lighter doesn't mean less important) reports and stories from the world of food and groceries this morning, rather than starting off Monday with our usual more series stories and analysis pieces. (Those will come later of course.)
So, good Monday morning -- and here you go:
Breakfast cereals through the years
The first bit of Monday morning information we being you is a breakfast item, which certainly is an appropriate way to start out.
It's a little historical piece that breaks down breakfast cereals through the years, drawing the conclusion that Post Grape Nuts are really old. Not the ones you might be having for breakfast, of course. But the brand and the product. You can read all about the history of breakfast cereals at the link below:
http://www.dipity.com/GeekOutNewYork/Great... Feel free to brag about your cereal knowledge to co-workers this morning at the office or store.
The weirdest burgers ever
If lunch is already on your mind you might enjoy reading about the top 11 weirdest burgers ever at the link below:
Bacon beats Fries
We heard lots of talk about pork (pork barrel spending, earmarks and the like) during the recent U.S. Presidential campaign that just ended. However, voters didn't cast pork aside in the particular Colorado election discussed here.
Private label vs name brand snacks
Some people think brand name snack foods are all that. Others think private label brands are just fine. Still others think there's no difference between the two, while some go as far as to call the private label snack items second rate. The folks at the Second Rate Snacks Web site offer a name brand vs private label brand taste at the link below:
Sarah Palin's Diet Secret
It seems now former Republican candidate for Vice President Sarah Palin had some help in obtaining here trim figure before and while on the campaign trail. Read about the just revealed secret to her trim figure at the link below:
Prepared foods: The big fat ugly sandwich
Ready-to-eat prepared foods are all the rage in food retailing today. In that spirit we invite you to read about a sandwich that combines American's love of football with the desire on the part of many Americans to stuff themselves while viewing their favorite team, or even when not viewing football at all. Click the link below to read:
Dubious new products category
What do you get when you mix the flavor of bacon with the arterial-clogging power of mayonnaise? You get a highly-addictive substance called Baconnaise—the perfect addition to your BLT and a great excuse for rapid weight gain. Read and learn more at the Baconnasie website at the link below:
Some food facts maybe we shouldn't know
Adolph Hitler’s Favorite Meal was? Find out what the researchers at the London Daily Mail discovered at the link below:
We feel your pain. Therefore, in honor of Manic Monday, we decided to troll the web and bring you some lighter (although lighter doesn't mean less important) reports and stories from the world of food and groceries this morning, rather than starting off Monday with our usual more series stories and analysis pieces. (Those will come later of course.)
So, good Monday morning -- and here you go:
Breakfast cereals through the years
The first bit of Monday morning information we being you is a breakfast item, which certainly is an appropriate way to start out.
It's a little historical piece that breaks down breakfast cereals through the years, drawing the conclusion that Post Grape Nuts are really old. Not the ones you might be having for breakfast, of course. But the brand and the product. You can read all about the history of breakfast cereals at the link below:
http://www.dipity.com/GeekOutNewYork/Great... Feel free to brag about your cereal knowledge to co-workers this morning at the office or store.
The weirdest burgers ever
If lunch is already on your mind you might enjoy reading about the top 11 weirdest burgers ever at the link below:
Bacon beats Fries
We heard lots of talk about pork (pork barrel spending, earmarks and the like) during the recent U.S. Presidential campaign that just ended. However, voters didn't cast pork aside in the particular Colorado election discussed here.
Private label vs name brand snacks
Some people think brand name snack foods are all that. Others think private label brands are just fine. Still others think there's no difference between the two, while some go as far as to call the private label snack items second rate. The folks at the Second Rate Snacks Web site offer a name brand vs private label brand taste at the link below:
Sarah Palin's Diet Secret
It seems now former Republican candidate for Vice President Sarah Palin had some help in obtaining here trim figure before and while on the campaign trail. Read about the just revealed secret to her trim figure at the link below:
Prepared foods: The big fat ugly sandwich
Ready-to-eat prepared foods are all the rage in food retailing today. In that spirit we invite you to read about a sandwich that combines American's love of football with the desire on the part of many Americans to stuff themselves while viewing their favorite team, or even when not viewing football at all. Click the link below to read:
Dubious new products category
What do you get when you mix the flavor of bacon with the arterial-clogging power of mayonnaise? You get a highly-addictive substance called Baconnaise—the perfect addition to your BLT and a great excuse for rapid weight gain. Read and learn more at the Baconnasie website at the link below:
Some food facts maybe we shouldn't know
Adolph Hitler’s Favorite Meal was? Find out what the researchers at the London Daily Mail discovered at the link below:
We hope you enjoyed this Monday morning interlude. Now back to our normally and regularly scheduled writing.
We thank Fresh & Easy Buzz UK correspondent Earl Grey for contributing to this report.
We hope you enjoyed this Monday morning interlude. Now back to our normally and regularly scheduled writing.
We thank Fresh & Easy Buzz UK correspondent Earl Grey for contributing to this report.
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