From the Fresh & Easy Buzz Editor's Desk: From the bucolic village of West Sussex in Southern England, independent retailer, village postmaster, student of food retailing, and long time Tesco PLC watcher Steve, who publishes the "Village Counter Talk" blog, writes about life as an independent retailer in the United Kingdom, along with offering his observations on the local as well as global food retailing scene.
Last week the retailer-writer the London Daily Telegraph has called "The Curmudgeon Blogger", who often writes about the UK's number one retailer Tesco, offered his views about Tesco's Fresh & Easy Neighborhood Market ending its self-imposed three month new store opening hiatus with the grand opening of store number 62 in Manhattan Beach, California.
The British blogger says he read Fresh & Easy Buzz's Wednesday, July 2 coverage of the Manhattan Beach Fresh & Easy store grand opening, which got him thinking about Tesco in the USA with its small-format Fresh & Easy grocery stores after the new store opening pause. And, of course, when bloggers think, they often write.
Read "Village Counter Talk's" British perspective on Tesco in the USA and its next wave of new store openings here. The retailer-postmaster-blogger also mentions in his piece he just spent a couple weeks in the Netherlands, using a part of that time to visit retail food stores. He offers a few comments on that experience as well in the post. Note: Terry Tesco in the blogger's piece refers to Tesco PLC CEO Terry Leahy. You don't earn a curmudgeon moniker for nothing.
1 comment:
Thanks for this post, it really brightened my early Sunday morning up wonderfully when I read it after making our 500 plus Sunday newspapers fit to sell.
I wear the 'Curmudgeon' accolade with pleasure and after my recent tirade on News Internation, publishers of the London Times, maybe the will add to my 'title'.
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